This microwave recipe is quick and very simple, and is a good meal for a busy work week. You can use any color peppers you like. Try using garbanzos instead...
Bell peppers are stuffed with a spicy blend of chorizo, onions, garlic, fresh herbs, Worcestershire, three kinds of cheese, and rice. If you have a taste...
This recipe sounds odd, but I promise it makes for an unbelievable, rich hearty meal! Family and friends all show up a couple days AFTER Thanksgiving knowing...
These burgers are first mixed with some spices for flavor, then you stuff them with your favorite condiments. We use any or all of the following: mustard,...
For this satisfying dish, cabbage leaves are stuffed with a seasoned mixture of rice, ground beef, pork and ham. They are then laid on a bed of sauerkraut...
Here's a delicious stuffed pepper recipe that's easy to make. Each green bell pepper contains ground beef, onion, tomatoes, rice and cheese, and is cooked...
This is a family heirloom recipe that has been handed down through the ages. My mother taught it to me, and I tweaked it to its current form. I have eaten...
Zucchini is not very exciting, interesting, or fun to eat, which is basically the opposite of a taco. But what we're going to do here is use the same filling...
I received this recipe from my grandmother. It was passed down to her from her grandmother. This can be made ahead of time and frozen for a few days prior...
This recipe is a combination of a recipe I found online, my sister's recipe, and my mother's recipe. They all had things I loved about them that I combined...
Yummy and easy shells, stuffed with garlic, thyme, mushrooms, and spinach ricotta. Perfect for a weeknight dinner! Add more cheese or any kind of meat!...
A whole roasting chicken sprinkled with fresh lemon and paprika, then slow baked with the lemon halves inside! This recipe is very easy and the chicken...
I received this recipe from my grandmother. It was passed down to her from her grandmother. This can be made ahead of time and frozen for a few days prior...
This is a family recipe that goes back more than 80 years. I have made modifications to this recipe to enhance the taste and flavor. These cabbage rolls...